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Find Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose

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Michael Hyatt has shifted from creating powerful tools to organizing your day to crafting resources that help you plan your life. His latest offering, LifeFocus, suggests that you should start with your heart to find your purpose. I appreciate that, but I want to propose a different approach: start with your past.

That is precisely what I did. I worked through five areas that helped me define and refine where the Lord has shaped and molded me. By the end of that process, I landed on two words that have guided my life moving forward. These two words give me the confidence to say “no” to what does not align with my calling and “yes” to what does. I genuinely believe that if you woke up every day with two clear words in mind, you would instantly know whether your time was being spent in the right direction. These two words will lead you to satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

So, how do you get to your two words? It starts with working through what I call the 5 Hs:

1. High Points

Write down 5-10 of the best moments in your life—those mountaintop experiences that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Think of the successes, joyful experiences, or times when you discovered a passion or new ability. These memories reflect how God uniquely designed you.

2. Heroes

List 5-10 people who have shaped you—those who stood by you, cheered you on, or played a significant role in your growth. These are the individuals who molded and shaped who you are today. What did they give you that you still appreciate?

3. Habits & Hobbies

Jot down 5-10 activities you regularly engage in, whether at home, work, or play. I love to read, watch movies, and head to the beach—these habits reveal more about who I am and the things that fuel me. What you do in your free time can offer valuable insight into your purpose.

4. Hard Times

Life throws challenges our way—often out of nowhere. Think about 5-10 difficult moments you have faced. These could be natural, physical, emotional, or spiritual trials. How did they shape you? How did God comfort you, and what lessons did you learn?

5. Heritage

Lastly, look at your family background, birthplace, and the circumstances that shaped your upbringing. We often do not realize how much our heritage shapes us—like the story of the two fish swimming in the water. Sometimes, we are so immersed in it that we do not notice it.

Once you have completed these lists, you can start creating a LifeMap, which will help you see patterns and highlight key moments. From there, you will find your purpose that God has been developing in you all along.

When I went through this process, I landed on my two words: Equipping Legacy. My purpose is to help others build a legacy for Christ by offering resources, guidance, and perspective. This fuels my leadership and drives me to celebrate my team’s successes more than my own. I thrive in the background, empowering others to shine.

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” You are a masterpiece crafted by the Master Artist. He has a purpose for your life. When you find your purpose, you’ll find deeper satisfaction, the confidence to say “yes” and “no” with clarity, and the energy to move forward with purpose, one faithful step at a time.

This post was written by David Fuquay, who is an Executive Pastor and a Lead412 Coach. Want to learn more about working with David? Check out our Coaching & Consulting services!

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Teaching & Preaching

The Art of Expositionally Topical Sermons

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