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When To Change Your Bible Study Curriculum


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​​How do you know when to change your Bible study curriculum? If you are using a longer curriculum, then sometimes changing curriculum can be good from time to time, especially if there is a better option available to meet your church’s needs.

Here are some questions you can use to evaluate when to change your Bible study curriculum:

  • Is the curriculum still meeting your criteria and needs? If not, what is missing that you need?
  • How are your people growing in the spiritual disciplines through the use of this curriculum?
  • Does your curriculum contain solid theology? Is it based on Scripture? Scan through the curriculum to see where Scripture is used and if the main points are based on specific passages of Scripture.
  • Are the weekly study guides helpful for your group? Do they use them?
  • Have the vision or values of your church changed in a way that affects your needs in regards to curriculum? You may want to choose a curriculum that helps propel your church towards your new vision or values!
  • Is the curriculum fostering a desire for people to learn about God? A solid curriculum will spur people towards a deeper relationship with God and a continued hunger to learn more about Him!
  • Are you spending too much time adapting the curriculum? There may be a better alternative out there, that won’t require you to edit so much.
  • Can teachers and small group leaders use the curriculum easily? If it’s not user-friendly, then it might be more work than it’s worth.
  • Have I received bad feedback about it from teachers, small group leaders, or participants? If so, carefully consider their feedback to see if you agree with it.

Hopefully you are already using an amazing curriculum! But, if you are wondering if you should change to a new curriculum, then take a little time to research what’s out there. If you need help with how to choose a Bible Study curriculum, then check out this article:

Related: How to Choose a Bible Study Curriculum

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Teaching & Preaching

The Art of Expositionally Topical Sermons

“The Art of Expositionally Topical Sermons” is a guest post by Dr. Don McCaig, who serves as a church consultant, leadership trainer, and financial planner.